Burn restrictions for Eastern Washington

OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), in cooperation with partnering agencies, implemented the following changes in burn restrictions effective June 7 on DNR-protected lands. Check with local jurisdictions for additional restrictions.

Rule burning and small debris disposal fires are not allowed in Kaniksu, Highlands, Upper Basin and Foothills Fire Danger Rating Areas. Written burn permits burning will also no longer be allowed in Kaniksu, Highlands, Upper Basin and Foothills Fire Danger Rating Areas.

Campfires may be allowed in Approved Designated Camp Grounds. Always check with local campground hosts before lighting a campfire.

In Eastern Washington, a new fire danger rating system has been implemented. Instead of basing the fire danger rating by county, it is now based on geographic areas that share similar fuels, climate and topography in addition to administrative boundaries and is now called Fire Danger Rating Areas (FDRA’s). This change was developed with the intent of having a common fire behavior component, and was developed through interagency collaboration and to help clarify messages with multiple agencies. 

Daily updates on burn restrictions and Industrial Fire Precaution Levels are available at (800) 323-BURN or on the Fire Danger and Outdoor Burning risk map at fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protection/firedanger and Industrial Fire Precaution Levels map at fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protections/ifpl.


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