Managing Editor
What started as an online effort to unite the community is now entering its fifth year.
The Cheney Community Sale started with a Facebook page created by resident Maria Fell in 2015. Its fifth installment is taking place this year on June 1.
In a May 9 email, Fell said the idea was to establish and advertise dates of upcoming yard sales in the community so that people wishing to visit and browse the wares at those locations had a central resource to go to for getting their location.
“Often times, these dates were set on short notice,” Fell said. “Typically, a dozen or so ‘hosts’ would set up their sales and a few dozen people would travel out to visit.”
After last year’s sales, a poll was taken on the Facebook page on the continuing operation of the sales and through popular consensus, it was agreed to run the event annually on the first Saturday in June — which this year is June 1.
Fell said the Cheney Community Sale begins with a set date for the sales, which everyone thinking of holding an upcoming yard sale encouraged to participate. Those who wish to participate can go to the page and sign up to be included on a “map” that Fell will put together once all addresses are compiled.
The map will be posted to several online destinations such as Facebook and Craiglist as well as on the Cheney Free Press’s pages as well as on flyers distributed around the city. The deadline to get a sale on the map is May 24, and can be done by emailing [email protected].
Fell said as of May 20 that 20 residents have signed up to hold a sale and be on the map, with more expressing interest. She hopes perhaps 30 addresses will eventually take part in something that is truly grassroots.
“There isn’t an official committee,” Fell said. “There aren’t any fees involved. It’s simply a collaboration within the community to organize a date and attract people to the sales.”
Fell added that a central location at the parking lot of the new Magnolia Learning Center, 1930 4th St., will be set up for people who wish to participate in the sale but live outside of the city. Those people can bring tables and tarps and set up in the lot.
Fell reiterated that there are no rules to participating in the sales, nor are there fees or stipulations.
“Just have fun selling and have fun shopping,” she added. “And don’t forget to meet a new neighbor.”
John McCallum can be reached at [email protected].
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