
Cheney Congregational Church

We would like to invite you to join our worship service this Sunday. During Pastor David Krueger-Duncan’s absence, Dr. Michael Folsom will deliver the message. Plan to stay for coffee and refreshments in the fellowship hall following the service. Our church welcomes everyone no matter where they may be on their faith journey.

Thursday, April 25, our church will serve lunch to the kids at Crosswalk. This month Judy Chapman-Griffin and Linda Early will be preparing the meal. The Crosswalk monthly meal is an important part of our church’s community outreach program.

The pastoral search committee will be meeting following church on Sunday, April 28, in the Fireside Room.

Feed Cheney will be held Monday, April 29, 5:30 p.m. at the Wren Pierson Building. A hot meal and free groceries are available to attendees.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

The congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us Sunday, April 28, 10:30 a.m. Fellowship follows the worship service.

Please plan to have your children attend our Vacation Bible School this summer. VBS will be held Monday, July 15, through Friday, July 19, and will once again be led by Lutherhaven Camp staff. For registration forms, please go to Forms are located on the home page or by clicking on the “Ministries” tab at the top of the page.

All are welcome to visit Emmanuel’s Little Free Library and Free Community Pantry, 639 Elm St., Cheney. Donations of books, non-perishable food, and personal care items for all ages are always accepted. Both are open to the community 24/7. Emmanuel thanks you for your continued support of this outreach ministry.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. Holy Eucharist is at 11 a.m. Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.

Attention all college students. The Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist Campus Ministry, ELM, gathers each Monday at 5 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 639 Elm St., Cheney. For more information contact Soule at 509-844-2553.

Choir practice continues under the direction of Alexandra Rannow. We practice every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Come sing with us.

Fellowship breakfast is 7 a.m. Thursday. All are welcome.

Alcoholics Anonymous meets 11:30 a.m. Saturday in the parish hall.

For your contemplation: “Dwell in the life and love and power and wisdom of God, in unity one with another and with God; and the peace and wisdom of God fill your hearts, that nothing may rule in you but the life, which stands in the Lord God.” George Fox

United Methodist Church

Please join us at the United Methodist Church this Sunday for worship at 10 a.m. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Paul Jeffries sharing stories and photos from his missionary experiences. Paul has traveled all over the world and has a powerful 35-year ministry to share, focusing especially on the last three years. He will continue his presentation during lunch. Preceding worship at 9 a.m. there is a multi-age Sunday school class for middle and high school aged students.

You may call the church office for information on other worship and study opportunities.


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