
Cheney Congregational Church

Welcome to Cheney Congregational Church. We invite you to join us in worship this Sunday, Dec. 9, at 10 a.m. Pastor David Krueger-Duncan will give a sermon entitled “Luther’s Friend, Art,” on how choices made 500 years ago have created differences among churches today.

“Hanging of the Greens” will begin during services, with everyone placing an ornament on the tree. After services we will share a meal of hot dogs and chips. Come join the festivities.

Women’s fellowship will be meeting Dec. 6 at noon in the fellowship hall.

“Lunch Bunch” meets at noon, Dec. 13. Come join us for good food and good conversation.

Want to have a good time, lively conversation and explore local places to eat? Join “Dining Out”. New groups are forming beginning in January. Call Linda Early at (509) 993-8017.

The second in our series of educational presentations will be Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. in the Cheney Congregational Church sanctuary. Jim Miller, certified master beekeeper, will present “The Wonderful World of Bees,” followed by coffee, cookies and discussion. Come learn everything you ever wanted to know about bees and be ready to start in the spring.

Cheney Congregational Church is located at 423 North Sixth Street.

Heritage Baptist Church

We want to invite you to celebrate the Christmas season with us, both in the church and home devotions.

This is 2018. We mark our calendar from one special day, the Birth of Jesus. 2018 years ago, Jesus was born to a teenage girl in a small town called Bethlehem. Since His birth, the world has changed greatly.

As we read our history books as well as the Bible, we find that our land as well as the rest of the world has become very wicked. God’s people called upon God to remove the wickedness. God said he would, but on his schedule. God sent messages with prophets telling that he would remove the wickedness soon.

Eventually God sent his son to remove the wickedness. Jesus came to take care of the problem. The time God’s people waited is called “Advent.” Jesus’ birthday is called Christmas.

Please join us each Sunday to worship the savior of the world who set us free from the wickedness we call sin.

We meet Sunday mornings at 11:11 a.m. and Sunday evenings at 6:06 p.m. We will have a special time of worship Dec. 24 on Christmas Eve at 7 p.m. It will be a candlelight service. Please join us. We will worship the Lord at home on Christmas day.

United Methodist Church

The second Sunday of Advent will be celebrated at the United Methodist Church this week. Pastor Alissa Bertsch will be preaching on the unbreakable gift of love. Pastor Pat Sleeth will assist with the service. Prior to worship, at 9 a.m., there is a multi-age Sunday school class for elementary and middle school students as well as an adult class studying the book “Unafraid.”

Sunday evening, the December adult fellowship will gather at the home of Anna and Rob Meyer for a potluck meal and lively gift exchange. Ham will be provided for the 5 p.m. potluck dinner followed by a white elephant gift exchange. Bring a dish to share, a small gift either recycled or new and join in the fun and fellowship.

Looking ahead, the chancel choir will present a beautiful cantata on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 4 p.m. You won’t want to miss this special annual Christmas event.

Confirmation classes continue this week on Wednesday evening at 5:30 p.m. for our youth.

You may call the church office for additional information and study opportunities.


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