Here are some lessons learned from the recent election

Guest Commentary

The mid-term election results could have been much worse. The Democrats got control of the house, but the results were far short of the predicted overwhelming blue wave.

Actually, I think it is good that neither party is in total control of government. It will be interesting to see how Nancy Pelosi plays the role of obstructionist to presidential initiatives. The Republicans haven’t been able to blame Democrats for government shutdowns. Now they will have the chance, and it will be interesting to watch.

My wife and I saved a long time for our recent European vacation, and were on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean during the election. The TV in our room had BBC and CNN, while USA Today was available in the lounge.

One of the syndicated analysts who interprets for us mere mortals said that the failure of the Democrats to gain control of the Senate means we are becoming a nation of hate and bigotry. I not only disagree, I am insulted. I suggest the results validate that we are a nation who believes in the rule of law, a nation not ashamed to seek our own interests and a nation no longer willing to be treated unfairly in the world market place.

I have never been a fan of Donald Trump. I wish conservatives had a different spokesman, but he is what we have, duly elected by our constitutional process. He is right, however, when he says a caravan of thousands storming our border constitutes an invasion. Asking our neighbors to comply with our immigration laws does not make me a bigot.

I understand that some people in Central America want what we have in the U.S. I want a 54-inch color TV, but if I break in to the store and take it, I would be a criminal. Laws govern society. If they are ignored, we have chaos.

The government of Iran exports terrorism. We need not make excuses when we ask extremist regimes to change their ways. We need not make excuses when we take a stand against China for stealing our technology. The world has become accustomed to protecting their markets while demanding open access to ours. We need not make excuses when we demand an even playing field.

It is neither hate nor bigotry when conservatives advocate equal treatment of all citizens regardless of race, ethnic background or gender. Being born white should not give anyone status, nor should being born non-white. No one in this country should be granted special privileges or powers at birth. Any suggestion to the contrary is bigotry.

I submit that the results of the election show that approximately half the population of the United States agree with me. The extreme left is calling for impeachment of officials elected or appointed by due process. These initiatives not only disregard our democratic institutions, they reflect hatred for anyone who dares to disagree with liberal positions.

Frank Watson is a retired Air Force Colonel and long-time resident of Eastern Washington. He has been a free-lance columnist for over 19 years.


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