
Cheney Congregational Church

We invite everyone to join us for services Sunday, Nov. 25, at 10 a.m. Pastor David Kruegar-Duncan will continue his series on women in the early church with a sermon on “The Task of Erasing Women From the Early Church” on how women were eliminated from leadership and authority in the Christian Church. We are a welcoming and supportive congregation no matter where you are on your journey of faith. Join us after services for coffee, good conversation and fellowship.

Like to sing? You are invited to join our choir. Call Kate at (509) 481-5234.

Our congregation supports Feed Cheney. The next meal and food distribution will be Monday, Nov. 26, at 5:30 p.m. in the Wren Pierson Building in Cheney.

Cheney Congregational Church is located at 423 N. 6th St. Contact us at (509) 235-4193 or email us at [email protected]. Our website is

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us this Sunday, Nov. 25, at 10:30 a.m. as we celebrate Christ the King, the last Sunday of the church year. Fellowship follows the worship service.

Adult education and “Crafts for Kids” precedes worship at 9 a.m.

Emmanuel would like to thank everyone who attended our Thanksgiving service last Tuesday.

Please mark your calendars and plan to worship with us during the Advent season beginning Sunday, Dec. 2. Our Advent 6 p.m. soup supper and 6:45 p.m. worship service will begin on Wednesday, Dec. 5, and continues through Dec. 19.

All are welcome to visit Emmanuel’s Little Free Library and Free Community Pantry located at 639 Elm St. Donations of books, non-perishable food, and personal care items are always accepted. Both are open to the community 24/7.

Heritage Baptist Church

The Psalmist wrote in chapter 26, verses 7 and 8: “That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth.”

Those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus are ready to give thanks for the Lord’s house. We are ready with our voice to bless God’s house. We have received so much love and joy, we can’t be quiet. In the Thanksgiving season we can’t help expressing the love of where God’s honor dwells.

Over the centuries, God’s home has changed. It was a grand tent; then it was a grand palace, but destroyed by an enemy of Gods people. God enabled his people to build a replacement from the rubble. God still honored the place as his house.

We still can publish with the voice of thanksgiving honor to God’s house. He has touched our lives in a mighty way. Praise Him and his house.

We at Heritage Baptist Church of Cheney wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. We pray that God will watch over you and keep you well.

Remember our Sunday morning service begins at 11:11 a.m. and our evening service begins at 6:06 p.m.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit.

Holy Eucharist at 11 a.m. Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.

A workshop centering on the restful, reflective practice of Christian centering prayerwill be held at St. Paul’s on Wed. Nov. 28, 5:30-7 p.m., led by Lyn Megow, Instructor of English and Humanities at Spokane Falls Community College.

Come learn about this ancient practice as we prepare for the Advent season. For more information, contact Lyn at [email protected] or (405) 714-4339.

Attention all college students. The Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist Campus Ministry, ELM, gathers each Monday at 5 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 639 Elm St. For more information contact Soule at 844-2553.

Choir practice continues under the direction of Alexandra Rannow. We practice every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Come sing with us.

Fellowship breakfast is each Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday morning at ll:30 a.m. in the parish hall.

Thank you to all who visited our annual “Holiday Bazaar.” It was a pleasure to greet you and have you with us.

For your contemplation: “Be prepared at all times for the gifts of God and be ready always for new ones. For God is a thousand times more ready to give than we are to receive.” Meister Eckhart.

United Methodist Church

Worship with us this week on “Christ the King Sunday” at the United Methodist Church. ELM campus minister intern, Jan Shannon, will be preaching.

Prior to worship, at 9 a.m., elementary and middle school students are invited to a multi-age Sunday school class. Stay for fellowship immediately following the service.

There will be a confirmation class beginning Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 5:30 p.m. The class will run for four consecutive weeks.

You may call the church office for additional information and study opportunities.


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