McMorris Rodgers, GOP target Social Security funds

Letter to the Editor

Cathy McMorris Rodgers is after $2.9 trillion of our Social Security money. She is now on record as being in support of stealing $2.9 trillion of the American people’s earned Social Security benefits.

When Social Security runs a surplus, Social Security holds the funds in trust. We have built up a $2.9 trillion surplus over the decades to cover the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation.

We earned it; it’s our money to be kept safe until we need it. While 96 percent of Democrats voted to protect our money, Cathy and every one of her GOP cohorts in the House of Representatives voted to take our Social Security money away from us, permanently.

After all, the federal government now has a $1 trillion deficit and Trump and the GOP’s recent Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has to find money to pay the rich and corporations the money they promised them. And our Social Security money is just sitting there for the taking.

Fortunately, this first vote didn’t get the two-thirds majority vote to make it law this time, but they will be back again and again until they have it, unless we stop them by voting and having our voices heard.   

Washington residents, a primary election ballot has just been sent to you. Please vote for Lisa Brown to replace McMorris Rodgers. Citizens, mid-term elections across our nation are on Nov. 6. Our votes are our voices and we need to be heard!  Please be a voter.

Pat Bates



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