Looking Back

10 Years Ago

July 24, 2008

The Cheney City Council approved a resolution to offer assistance to qualifying residents of Myers Mobile Home park.

The Medical Lake City Council approved of revised park rules recommended by the parks and recreation committee in regards to fee waivers for use of city facilities.

The path to the final round of league playoffs for Cheney’s Legion A baseball team wasn’t supposed to easy to follow, but the team came up with a 16-1 win over Gonzaga Prep in the playoff opener.

20 Years Ago

July 30, 1998

It took patience and persistence, but the assisted-living facility the Cheney Care Center founders envisioned years ago was finally going up in the lot next to the center.

Mark Gross and the band Pages of Harmony entertained appreciative music lovers in Sutton Park during the Concert at the Parks Series.

Medical Lake’s four-player entry in Davenport’s annual three-on-three basketball tournament claimed top honors in their classification during Pioneer Days. Mitchell Langenheim, Michael Langenheim, Keith Schmidt and Zach Tyree were the top dogs

30 Years Ago

July 28, 1988

The anti-ash landfill feelings continued to snowball in the Lance Hills area, as a group of neighbors continued the education process they hoped would result in keeping their area free from the waste-burner plant residue.

The location of a proposed Peacekeeper rail garrison program was the topic of a public hearing at the Medical Lake High School auditorium. Ten locations around the country were being considered for the train, which would carry missiles and become mobile during times of increased tension.

Despite the summer heat spell, Cheney had no shortage of water. Water levels, officials said, stayed sufficiently high to guarantee the city can maintain proper fire protection.

40 Years Ago

July 27, 1978

Two years of planning was about to become reality for the Cheney School District with the near completion of the Salnave Elementary expansion project. Formerly a kindergarten through third-grade building, the school would house students through the sixth grade.

Cheneyites fared well last weekend’s racquetball tournament at Eastern Washington University. Ken Collins took first in his division, Pat Whitehill was third and Thorne Tibbitts placed fourth.

50 Years Ago

July 25, 1968

Work began on the new Cheney Medical building at Seventh and Elm streets.

Eighty-eight friends and members of Siloam Rebekah Lodge No. 93 of Medical Lake met for a farewell gathering at the old Lodge Hall. All will be moving to a new hall, which would be done in September.


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