Medical Lake School District gets security updates underway

Summer vacation will be anything but for the Medical Lake School District's maintenance department.

The list of projects for the district while students are away was revealed at the May 22 school board meeting and there's plenty to do.

The biggest and arguably the most important work will be security upgrades at all district schools that will include new secure entrances. Completed by outside contractors, this will include installation of doors that are locked from the outside but not outgoing in case of fire or other emergencies.

There is also a security camera component where front-office personnel can see who is seeking access before being admitted.

The project, for which a cost has not yet been revealed, has no hard date but is tentatively scheduled to begin at the end of June and take approximately one month to complete. Capital Levy funds approved earlier in February will ultimately pay for the updates.

A challenge that has yet to be fully conquered is the matter of how to secure the satellite structures in the 500 and 900 wings at Medical Lake High School.

Planned major remodeling of the Holliday Field bathrooms and the concession stand has been dialed back to include fixtures and some electrical updates. There are also some flooring replacements on the list at the high school cafeteria.

The meeting was hosted by Medical Lake High School where the board and guests got to see some activities that take place within the walls of the school.

Those present learned about how the high school's Family, Career and Community Leaders of America class taught by Maureen Fanion has crafted a notable chili recipe that it will put up against a host of other schools in competition.

The board and guests also heard from Medical Lake's drumline that recently collected a coveted gold medal award at the Spokane Lilac Festival Armed Forced Torchlight Parade, plus had a mini concert from the choir. The drumline recently received brand new equipment, updating some that had been decades old.

In some routine business activity, the board:

• Approved continued sanctioning by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for sports and other activities.

• A 10-cent increase in the price of school lunches for the 2018-19 school year.

• Approved the contract with Myers, Stevens and Toohey for student insurance.

• Authorizing both outdated computers and tennis equipment for surplus.

• Approved the application for the newly proposed Medical Lake School District's Prestigious Award.

The next school board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 26 at the district board room at 4 p.m. Other summer meetings on July 24 and Aug. 28 also start at 4 p.m.

Paul Delaney can be reached at [email protected].


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