Registration open for 35th annual National Night Out Against Crime

Neighborhoods, community and youth organizations, churches, apartment properties and businesses throughout Spokane are being invited to join forces with communities nationwide to give crime and drugs a going away party. 

This is an annual opportunity to promote building a partnership between communities and their police departments along with fostering neighborhood camaraderie. This is also an occasion to look at how we can make our neighborhoods a safer place to live and raise our families.  The idea behind NNO is to get to know who lives on your street and get neighbors talking to each other and looking out for one another.

Neighborhoods that participate in NNO report that they feel a stronger sense of community among their neighbors. Each registered party can request their Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO), police chief, other law enforcement personnel, mayor, city council, code enforcement, fire department and many more.

Start planning your NNO party now. Make a list of neighbors on your street, send them an email or paper invitation for the party, register your party at

More information

Date: Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018

Time: Typically 6 — 10 p.m. (tailor party time to meet needs of your guests)

Location: Throughout the greater Spokane area.


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