After hosting a Powder Puff football game in the fall, the Cheney High School senior all-nighter group is having the Buff Puff volleyball game on Friday, April 13. The event will kick off at 6:30 p.m. in the main gym.
“We are very excited to continue this tradition at CHS,” Lisa Koohns, senior all-nighter president said. “The kids have been asking for it so we will deliver. The girls love to coach the boys in the annual buff puff volleyball game.”
The way it works is that the girls will be coaches while boys compete in the game. Admission to the event is donations to help support the senior all-nighter. Concessions will also be sold during the game.
“This year we are mixing it up a little,” Koohns said. “We will be running two games at a time in the main gym on Friday. Each class will have a team. We will begin by drawing two classes and they will play each other while the other two classes play at the same time. The second game will be winners playing winners and losers playing losers. We will then crown a grand champion and a king of the losers champion.”
With it being a Friday on the 13th, Koohns also said “we might even have some surprise Friday the 13th drawings.”
The senior all-nighter event will take place on June 8 at the high school right after graduation for the class. The group has also done other fundraising during the year including concessions, Santa breakfast and a casino night.
Grace Pohl can be reached at [email protected].
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