Cheney levy should have been evaulated with heads, not hearts

Letter to the Editor

Cheney taxpayers, congratulations you just raised your taxes by $375 per year, the highest amount in Spokane County. That’s what happens when you don’t watch what’s happening in Olympia.

Distant state legislature adds more property tax to fix basic education. School district didn’t say much about this in their propaganda brochure they sent out about the levy vote? Your increase taxes are a direct result of voting by your feelings and not holding your school district fiscally accountable.

All you good intenders, can you get a little more hypocritical with the road signs that get posted everytime we vote for school funding? “For the kids sake.”

It’s not for the kids sake. If it was, we would have a school system in which kids could pass basic life skills such as math, English and science.

Look at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s findings for 2016. Of the 4,700 children enrolled in Cheney School District, less than 70 percent can pass basic English standards.

Even worse in math and science, which average around 40 percent passing basic standards. So does more funding truly equal better education? For a community that has a astronaut named after its main road, we sure don’t prepare our children for the skill sets they need for success. Throwing more money down the rabbit hole doesn’t seem to be the path to follow.

It’s obvious to anyone that actually looks at the education system that it’s broken. We have a school district which sells us that more money means success; solutions will only be reached by giving them more money.

New buildings built after the huge influx of students. Lowering standards, teaching to the lowest denominator. We’ve tried the notion of it takes a village to raise a child. It’s failing when it comes to education.

Instead of voting by emotion, look at root causes of why we’re failing our students. Why do you think there is such a increase of homeschooling and voucher institutions? Parents see the failure of our public education and seek result oriented solutions.

Chip Magnuson



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