EWU Downtown Gallery offers visions of (de)clutter

Laura Carpenter Truitt, who recently moved to the Spokane area, is the next artist to have work featured at the Eastern Washington University Downtown Student Gallery.

A first-year Gonzaga University art professor, Truitt uses shape, texture, and space to construct architectural landscapes that bleed through our physical realm into realms unknown. Her work operates on multiple thresholds that explore metaphor, architecture, structure and physicality. Through her art, Truitt hopes to "reassert the value of the act of painting and address the medium's contemporary insecurities." 

Truitt attended Goucher University in Baltimore, M.D. for her undergraduate degree. She then moved to Vermont for a residency and studied abroad in Scotland. After that, she attended Colorado State University for her graduate degree and earned her diploma in 2012.

"A lot of my work somewhat describes environmental anxiety or concern," Truitt said. "It is more related to my own domestic chaos with moving across the country. It describes the way I felt inside my head. Everything is up in the air. I wanted to find the beauty in the domestic chaos."

Every art piece that will be shown at the gallery is a brand new work since she moved to Spokane.

"So it feels kind of crazy," Truitt added.

She used to focus her work on more of the landscape side of paintings, but over time her artwork has changed and Truitt has started to work more on interior spaces, even though it can be visually similar.

"It is me working with painting to order my life and thoughts," Truitt said.

Truitt got involved with the EWU Student Downtown Gallery because she went to graduate school with faculty at Eastern. Through those connections, Truitt was approached about hosting an exhibit shortly after she moved to the area, by Elizabeth Baker, an organizer at the gallery.

Truitt currently resides in Spokane with her husband and two kids, who are four and six years old.

The exhibit begins Monday, March 5 and runs through Friday, April 6. There will also be an artist's reception from 4:30 – 6 p.m. on March 15. The gallery is open Mondays through Fridays from noon – 5 p.m. and is located at 404 Second St.

"I am really excited to show my work and I am extremely lucky to have this opportunity," Truitt said.

Grace Pohl can be reached at [email protected].


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