Airway Heights 'community café' meeting lays out year

Airway Heights held its “community café” meeting on Jan. 24 and talked about the upcoming events for the new calendar year.

According to its website, the group works with engaged and passionate residents, businesses, non-profits, and City officials in Airway Heights. Their goal is to eliminate health inequities by addressing social determinants of health such as housing, physical environment, economic opportunities and community connectivity. 

The main attraction the group is planning is the “Wellness Event” in June, though they have not finalized a weekend yet. The other big focus is on the “Night out against Crime,” which will be at Shorty Combs Park, but no official date has been set yet.

“We talked about our opportunity with engaging family and kids,” Heather Wallace, a member of the group said.

In May, they plan on helping the Sunset PTO group with a picnic and family carnival for the elementary school.

Another big community connection for the group is the annual “Trunk or Treat” festivities at Sunset and it is already set to happen again this year. At this event, kids come to the school’s parking lot and go trick-or-treating to the different decorated cars.

In November, the group wants to host a community potluck. The date and place hasn’t been finalized yet, but Wallace said that it won’t be on the same week of Thanksgiving.

A new thing that the meeting brought up was hosting the “Play and Learn Sessions” at Cleone’s Closet every Tuesday from 11:30 – 1 p.m. This activity, for ages up to five years old, is also hosted at the community library on Thursdays, but Wallace said they wanted to try and recruit through Cleone’s, which is located at 13114 Sunset Highway. The group has a contract with the food bank and has the times set for the year.

In 2017, the group logged 176 volunteer hours. The community café meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 6 – 8 p.m. at the parks and recreation building.

Grace Pohl can be reached at [email protected].


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