Letter to the Editor
When a school district submits a levy proposition to its voters, the role of the district is to provide an objective and fair presentation of facts to the community. Generally, this information is shared through an informational mailer that describes the levy and its impact on the school district and its taxpayers. Individual voters then decide whether to approve or reject the proposition. Under state law, a public entity, such as a school district, may not promote or oppose any ballot proposition.
In last week’s edition of the Cheney Free Press, the mailer developed by Cheney Public Schools to provide factual information about the upcoming levy was reprinted as an advertisement by the citizens’ committee with the phrase, “vote yes for kids” added. To be clear, this advertisement was not purchased or authorized by Cheney Public Schools.
While the facts provided in the advertisement were accurate and consistent with information provided by the school district, the added phrase “vote yes for kids” was not a part of the Cheney Public School’s original informational mailer. Under state law, Cheney Public Schools may only provide an objective and fair presentation of facts about the levy.
As a trusted community partner, Cheney Public Schools takes great effort to provide information in an unbiased, neutral, and fact-focused way. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the school district’s levy proposition or any other school district initiative, please visit our website at http://www.cheneysd.org or contact me directly at (509) 559-4502 or [email protected].
Robert W. Roettger
Cheney Public Schools
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