Medical Lake City Council wraps up 2017 business

The Medical Lake City Council officially wrapped up both business and the term of Mayor John Higgins at its Dec. 18 meeting.

Higgins was in fact absent and turned the gavel over to Mayor pro-tem John Paikuli to administer a handful of routine business items.

City Administrator Doug Ross reported on the response of the maintenance crews in clearing streets after the first snow. Despite the storm dumping a higher than predicted amount of snow, street crews had things plowed in 12 hours Ross told the council.

"There were a few unhappy people," Ross said, adding that they were the ones who generally complain about responses to snow removal.

With recent precipitation there was concern among some about whether the levels on Medical Lake will become a factor and need to be pumped. Ross did not think that would be an issue, adding, "Lake levels are OK."

He did report that the city has recently installed a new pump in the lake on Dec. 19 and that it was expected to be operational on Christmas day.

There was discussion on the ongoing problem of a leaky roof at City Hall that is affecting the fire station portion of the building. It is likely that the roof will need to be replaced, Ross told the council.

Fire Chief Jayson Mayfield reported that the West Plains Fire Academy was set to hold its latest graduation ceremony Dec. 21 where four candidates had completed five months of training.

Ross capped the meeting by awarding plaques of appreciation to council members Destiny Stein and Elizabeth Rosenbeck, both of whom have completed their terms.

Paul Delaney can be reached at [email protected].


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