Looking Back

10 Years Ago

Nov. 8, 2007

The Cheney Fire Department received a $70,052 grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Cheney's Boy Scout Troop and Club Scout Pack 356 collected 5,126 pounds of food for distribution to the Cheney Food Bank, more than 1,000 pounds compared to the previous year.

Medical Lake's school board weighed several pros and cons at a workshop meeting to modernizing versus rebuilding its K-3 elementary school.

20 Years Ago

Nov. 13, 1997

The Cheney-to-Fish Lake Trail was officially unveiled during ribbon-cutting ceremonies. The asphalt trail stretched for 3.5 miles and cut through a topographically interesting section of the rural Cheney countryside.

Leaders throughout the local business community and city government gathered last week for a reception to formally welcome the Johnson-Matthey Company to Cheney.

The newly opened Airway Heights Library was formally dedicated in a ceremony.

30 Years Ago

Nov. 12, 1987

An accident on the Lakeland Village campus in Medical Lake sent one employee to Deaconess Hospital. Campus officials said the victim, a gardener with the Support Services Division, was ran over by a tractor pulling a leaf vacuum.

After two and a half years overseeing the postal operations, Carol Wilde left Cheney for another Postal Service assignment in Portland, Maine.

The city of Medical Lake's application for the proposed Recreational Vehicle Park was not approved by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) during its grant hearing.

40 Years Ago

Nov. 10, 1977

Cheney City Council passed a new resolution expressing their intent to make day care and foster car homes acceptable as permitted uses in R-1 residential zones.

Medical Lake Town Council approved change orders, which called for the enclosure of a stairway on the building's west end that added $14,329 to its Town Hall project.

Eastern Washington University professor of Economics Tom Trulove polled 40.5 percent of a heavy voter turnout and received 606 of the 1,493 votes cast in the race for mayor. He ran against Ted Edgett and Gerald Blakely.

50 Years Ago

Nov. 9, 1967

Ray Myers had leased the Union Oil Station located at First and G streets. The new owner had 10 years experience in service station work.

Residents of Medical Lake were notified by mail of an increase of garbage collections to $1.50 a month.

Dr. Emerson C. Shuck, president of Eastern Washington State College, spoke in his first address to the students on "Where Do We Go From Here?"


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