West Plains Briefs

Deadlines for submitting West Plains Briefs is noon Monday. Briefs should be under 100 words. Briefs may be edited for length.

Ballroom dancing class being offered

West Plains Arts Academy in partnership with Cheney Parks and Recreation will be hosting a ballroom dance class for ages 12 and up on Friday Nov. 10 from 7–9 p.m. at Cheney City Hall. There will be an hour of ballroom dance instruction followed by an hour of dancing.

Cost is $3 per person, $5 per couple, or $7 per family. Grab some dinner before class and make it a date! Tickets available by emailing [email protected] or by calling (509) 235-8754.

MLHS booster’s Grapes and Hops is Nov. 11

The Medical Lake High School Booster Club’s 11th annual Grapes...


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