Allan Gainer supports brother Tim for Cheney mayor

Letter to the Editor

Tim Gainer would be perfect for Cheney City Council at this time for many reasons. Cheney is growing and has been for a number of years mainly due to the success of Eastern’s sports and academics. As an alum, I am happy for this and as for our city, I’m elated. Tim knows there are issues with the city growing as fast as it is and sees our problems before they become a problem. By the way, he is spot on about the water issue.

Like myself, Tim is for open government and believes the more our citizens know about an issue, the better they can give input and help our city grow the direction we want and not what a select few want.

One example, Tim was very helpful in setting up a system at very little cost to the city to have all Cheney City Council meetings to be televised on Davis Communication. In 2006, I brought it to the council at the time and it was tabled. It has been tabled ever since. Tim will bring this back.

Tim’s knowledge of utilities in our community is very strong and he predicted the phone outage a few years ago prior to it happening. This caused the city’s communication to be down for a few days and made it cumbersome to conduct business. He tried to tell the senior staff after I left the mayor’s office that they needed a redundancy system in place and they said they already had it. They didn’t and the phone system went down, exactly as Tim predicted.

I have had the distinct experience to work with Paul Schmidt for a short time while serving as mayor. I also have known Tim my whole life. Tim is a great family man with a wonderful wife and two great kids. He also completed the Ironman Relay at the age of 53.

I‘m voting for Tim Gainer not because he is my brother, but because he will listen to the people and bring their ideas to the table.

Allan Gainer

Former Cheney Mayor


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