Medical Lake policing benefits from officers who stay

Letter to the Editor

It is time to set the record straight regarding “policing in Medical Lake.”

According to Mr. (mayoral candidate Mikeal) Suniga, he can bring back a local police force with just four full-time officers for our city population of 5,000 citizens. Information from the city of Airway Heights, with a 6,000 population, and for whom Mr. Suniga is an officer, consists of a chief, an administrative assistant and 16 officers. The city of Medical Lake is paying for the full resources of the Spokane County Sheriff’s department, 24-7 coverage.

A contributing factor for seeking an alternative policing source was because our city would hire, pay for academy training and provide the new hires’ experience. Then, those persons would work here a couple of years, for that “experience” and leave our city and citizens, for more pay.

We had a revolving door of “rookies,” at our expense and Mr. Suniga was one of many. The most important factor, not expense to the city, was the safety of our citizens. With the Sheriff’s Office deputies, we are provided those “already-trained, experienced” officers.

Please, before you refer to Facebook for inaccurate information, get informed and drop by City Hall. Policing statistics are a matter of public record and can be shared upon request.

You may also call me (509) 565-5049 or cast your vote for (mayoral candidate) Shirley Maike to continue our “experienced” police coverage.

Mayor John Higgins

Medical Lake


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