We should unite after tragic events in Las Vegas

Write to the Point

Here we are again after another mass shooting in the United States with the events that happened in Las Vegas, Nevada on Oct. 1 during a country music festival on the Strip.

The whole situation is devastating and there are no answers at this point in time. But I think there is something we should do as fellow Americans. We should be united as one and come out stronger after another event like this.

If you go on social media right now, all you see are people arguing over gun laws, politics, race, religion and NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. Instead we should be uniting as a country in this desperate and sad time. We should be reaching our hands out to the people deeply affected by this tragedy and make a difference in honor of the victims. I just don’t think tweeting and lashing out at other people is the solution, if there even is one.

Jason Aldean, who was performing on stage when the shooting started, said it perfectly, “At the end of the day we aren’t Democrats or Republicans, whites or blacks, men or women. We are all humans and we are all Americans and it’s time to start acting like it and stand together as ONE! That is the only way we will ever get this country to be better than it has ever been, but we have a long way to go and we have to start now.”

As an avid fan of country music and somebody who attends the concerts frequently, it makes me sick that we now have to wonder if we will be safe on a night that is supposed to be filled with fun and innocent entertainment.

Another thing I have realized out of these awful events is how thankful I am for our law enforcement. I have been reading a lot of articles and the one thing that has stuck out the most to me is how brave those men and women are. After watching some videos of the gunshots directed at the crowd, it is incredible to think about how law enforcement went against their human instincts and ran to the dangerous spot to help out others instead of running away to safety.

Those police officers are the ones who cleared out the hotels and found the culprit behind the evil acts because of their brave actions.

Shouldn’t we be thanking them instead of giving the attention to the shooter?

I know that these issues need to be talked about and that we need to find a solution to the problems in our country, but I don’t think lashing out at other Americans with different view points behind a keyboard is the right way to do it. Go out in the real world and advocate on your stance. Make a difference.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. Nobody will ever be the same after these tragic events and I wish stuff like this wouldn’t happen to our amazing country.

And the saddest part is that this isn’t the first mass shooting in the United States this year, but I sure hope it will be the last. I will never understand how any human being can do such a terrible act.

I just don’t get it.

Grace Pohl can be reached at [email protected].


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