Manza to challenge Pakuli for Medical Lake council seat

Turned away in August primary, challenger wages write-in campaign

Turned away by less than 10 votes in the Aug. 1 primary in a three-way race for Medical Lake City Council Pos. No. 2, Monica Manza has announced she will challenge John Pakuli for Pos. No. 1 as a write-in candidate in the Nov. 7 general election.

Elizabeth Rosenbeck topped Manza by a 209–201 count and will go on to challenge John Merrick who garnered 350 votes — 46 percent of the ballots.

“I was actually asked to do the write-in vote,” Manza said, opting not to disclose who urged her to run. “I was very strongly encouraged to put my hat back into the ring.”

Manza’s has no previous political ex...


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