Airway Heights commission gets transportation details

At the Sept. 13 Planning Commission meeting in Airway Heights, the board was presented information on the current Transportation Circulation Plan details just like the City Council received a few days prior on Sept. 11.

The commission held a public hearing about the plan and two people from the public observed but did not comment on the information. The biggest concern from the board was the lack of current pedestrian and bike accident prevention in the six year plan.

“The reality is that we have up to six years to install this plan,” Derrick Braaten, development services director said. “But we do not intend to take that long. These draft regulations are purely just a draft. All options are on the table right now.”

The board did not vote on recommending the plan as it was just an informational presentation. The only action item on the agenda was on the Sate Environment Policy Act (SEPA) resolution for no significant changes to the future recreation center as the existing codes and standards will remain the same.

There was also discussion by the board of nine rezoning applications. The two applications that they are set to rezone this year is the accidental potential zone (APZ) housing area and land by the Spokane County racetrack. The rest of the proposed land rezones will be looked at most likely next year.

Grace Pohl can be reached at [email protected].


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