Nice weather is here and more people are out enjoying our parks, lakes and outdoor activities. The Spokane County Sheriff’s Department would like to remind everyone that criminals are also out looking to prey on valuables left unattended in vehicles.
Don’t be a victim of these prowling thieves, plan ahead; don’t leave valuables in your vehicle. The Sheriff’s Office continues to receive reports from citizens who have returned to the vehicles only to find all their valuables, wallets, credit cards, phones/tablets, money, fire arms and personal paperwork and keys gone. It doesn’t matter to criminals if a vehicle is locked or unlocked (some are), it takes less than a second for a thief to enter your vehicle and steal your property.
Help us by reporting suspicious activity to Crime Check at (509) 456-2233. Provide descriptions of persons and vehicles believed to be involved with criminal activity/vehicle prowling. If you witness a crime in progress, call 911.
Please help us stop property crime and, most of all, help yourself avoid having a really bad day and becoming a victim of a criminal who doesn’t care about you or the hardships they cause; they just want your stuff.
If you must, conceal all of them out of sight or secure items in your trunk, even if you’ll only be away for a “couple minutes.”
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