Airway Heights roundabout detailed

Public hearing on four-lane traffic measure scheduled for July 26

There was an open house for the upcoming additions to U.S. Highway 2 in Airway Heights on July 12. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and Spokane Tribe staff were in attendance to answer questions for the public. At the open house, it was said that construction will begin soon on Highway 2 in Airway Heights on a new roundabout in front of the upcoming Spokane Tribe Casino. There will also be a new median island when turning onto Highway 2 from Craig Road.

"We intend to start construction in a couple of weeks and complete construction before winter sets in, so about two to three months of construction time," Mike Tedesco, the planning and economic development director for the Spokane Tribe, said.

Both of the road construction projects are being fully funded by the Spokane Tribe. The roundabout will be four lanes and will reduce the current speed limit of 55 mph to 35.

"That is about 400 feet west of the current speed limit change point," Al Gilson, communications manager for WSDOT Eastern Region said.

According to the WSDOT website, the tribe conducted an analysis, as part of their planning and approval process with federal and state agencies, to determine the traffic safety and congestion effects of the casino on Highway 2. The results indicated that a roundabout would be the best strategy to safely handle the increased traffic at the entrance to the new casino. WSDOT's traffic engineers are in agreement with the study's conclusions

"The actual construction of the roundabout is being administered by the Spokane Tribe's contractor." Gilson added. "WSDOT is not in charge of the construction contract."

There will be a public hearing for the roundabout and median island on Craig Road next Wednesday, July 26 at 6 p.m. in front of the Airway Heights Planning Commission. The hearing will start at 6 p.m. at 13120 West 13th Avenue.

Grace Pohl can be reached at [email protected].


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