Cheney Care Center hosts bake sale

The Cheney Care Center is having a bake sale.

That’s not necessarily new, they’ve been holding one for several years. What is new is this year’s sale, July 29, will coincide with the Center’s annual yard sale and a craft sale being put on by Sessions Village.

What’s also new is that the Care Center residents have added gift baskets to go along with their baked goods. Activity director Kris Bahr said the idea came up about four months ago, and since then has “snowballed,” with many local businesses donating items for the baskets.

Money raised at the bake and craft sales goes to the respective resident councils at Sessions Village and Cheney Care Center. The councils work with residents to then use that money for a variety of activities and items.

“It’s their money to do what they want to do with it,” Bahr said. “It’s amazing all the different stuff they come up with.”

Typically, residents elect to use their council money to cover costs of outings. One year, they decided to spend a day at the Spokane Interstate Fair, and used some funds to buy tickets for volunteers who accompanied them and would have otherwise paid for them out of their pocket.

Councils have also used their funds on barbecues, bringing in entertainers, gifts for staff and volunteers and holiday decorations. They also purchased a sound system, and this year hope to raise enough money to possibly purchase a big screen projector for movie nights.

Bahr said proceeds from the yard sale goes towards helping the Care Center, with staff, residents and family members to clean out garages, homes and apartments for items to contribute to the sale. Staff, residents and family members will also be the ones making bake sale items.

“It’s not for the Care Center, it’s for the residents themselves,” Bahr said. “It’s just giving back to each other, that’s why it’s important.”

Businesses or individuals that would like to donate items for the baskets have until July 26 to do so, and can contact Bahr at 235-6196, extension 119 to make arrangements.

The bake, craft and yard sales take place Saturday, July 29, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Care Center, 2219 North Sixth St.

John McCallum can be reached at [email protected].

Author Bio

John McCallum, Retired editor

John McCallum is an award-winning journalist who retired from Cheney Free Press after more than 20 years. He received 10 Washington Newspaper Publisher Association awards for journalism and photography, including first place awards for Best Investigative, Best News and back-to-back awards in Best Breaking News categories.


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