Nineteen inducted into MLMS National Junior Honor Society

Nineteen Medical Lake Middle School sixth-graders were inducted into the school's National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) chapter during a June 7 ceremony.

To join NJHS, students had to have a 3.5 GPA and complete the candidate application. Inductees were selected by the chapter's faculty council.

During the induction ceremony, the middle school's NJHS executive board members Shannon McGuire, Maris Tuck, Kirsten Gilbert, Paige Headrick and Ashton Hamilton-Becker lit candles and explained the standards of the society: scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship and character.

Adviser Jennifer Vega led the inductees in the society's pledge.

New members included Kaleb Cain, Kailey Chambers, Riley Chiamulon, Sophea Christensen, Lorelhei Hatchel, Bryan Hawkins, Morgan Hayes, Brea Haynes, Reid Headrick, O'Jaylen Jones, Atriana Larson, Madison Lynn, Marin McKee, Milani Ornelas, Kayla Ramsey, Mason Satko, Rylie Spring, Aaryn Taschler and Noah Young.


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