EWU Police Department presents 2015 clery report

At the Feb. 23 Eastern Washington University board of trustees meeting, the Eastern Washington University police department delivered the clery report for 2015.

One of the trends Police Chief Tim Walters highlighted was the increase in sexual assault cases. In 2015, there were nine incidents — six rapes and three fondlings — on campus, which is up from three incidents in 2014. Five of the six rape cases and all three of the fondling incidents were in residential facilities, which are a subset of campus.

Walters said the increase in sexual assaults is not uncommon for universities like Eastern.

He added that additional support and advocacy for victims from police and higher education have led to more people coming forward and helping with the prosecution process.

“They’re confident that something will be done and that their case will not be swept under the rug,” Walters said.

Jennifer Miller, administrative assistant – police services, said community advisers at residence halls are coming forward if a sex crime is disclosed to them.

Another trend was in liquor and drug crimes. There were 157 liquor law referrals, which is down from 191 in 2014, and 73 drug law violations, up from 63 in the previous year. Walters said many of the referrals came from community advisers in the residence halls.

Officers made 50 liquor law arrests — more than double the 24 in the previous year — and 22 drug law arrests, an increase from 14. Walters said the majority of the arrests took place in the residence halls, and all of the students were under 21.

“It’s a student policy violation and not because of any state law,” Walters said, explaining why EWU students receive referrals if they are caught with drugs or alcohol on campus. “If an officer find a 21-year-old with marijuana, we’ll confiscate it because it’s not allowed on campus, store it in evidence and they can retrieve it.”

In regards to crimes on public property, officers responded to one robbery, four liquor law arrests and one domestic violence incident.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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