Letters to the Editor
Last week Rose Kline reminded me of her earlier rants against President Trump going back at least to August 2016. Norm Luther also reminded me of his past efforts. I do not know either of these two, but do know that Norm is a longtime Democrat operative who routinely mails multiple copies of his efforts to local Eastern Washington newspapers.
In Rose’s letter, I noted 17 slurs, opinions and charges made against the president. Of those, at least three are demonstratively incorrect (Muslim ban, Israel, Australia) and at least one cannot be proven (more people worldwide who are completely confused than not). Each of the remaining 13 is stated with no effort to provide corroborating evidence. They are Rose’s unsubstantiated opinion.
Mr. Luther’s introduction offers at least five opinions, and what he calls fact. He tenders proof that President Trump aids ISIS by citing their use of video clips. He fails to note that there was no such reported use prior to Hillary’s lie that such had been happening. The video usage appeared only after her false claim.
A Muslim ban? Trump’s executive order was not a Muslim ban but rather a temporary moratorium on immigration from seven countries. Over 80 percent of worldwide Muslims are exempt from the order. Norm cites the Constitution’s Freedom of Religion clause. Give me a break. Where was Norm when Jimmy Carter banned all immigration from Iran? Or when Obama did the same? And, what does the Freedom of Religion clause have to do with immigration? Tell me how someone who has never been in the U.S. and has no connection with the U.S. have such a constitutional right. Please.
Tell me why any American (say citizen) should fear deportation or incarceration. Who is Norm considering an American?
Norm’s main error? Believing that ISIS depends on Trump for successful recruiting and radicalizing. Or that ISIS will be less of a threat if we treat them well. ISIS succeeded before Trump. ISIS will kill us regardless of our attitude toward them.
Don Horner
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