News Briefs

Trulove named to chair of regional planning body

The Spokane Regional Transportation Commission’s Policy Board of Directors has elected Cheney Mayor Tom Trulove to serve as chair of the regional planning panel. Trulove replaces Spokane Councilwoman Amber Waldref, who served as chair from January 2016 to February 2017.

Trulove will also serve a one-year term. He served as vice-chair during Waldref’s term.

The SRTC policy board of directors is a 14-member board composed of an elected official from a small town to represent jurisdictions with populations fewer than 5,000; three elected officials from a small town to represent jurisdictions with populations between 5,001 and 50,000 people; one elected official from each governing body with a population between 50,001 and 100,000 and two elected officials from each governing body with a population over 100,001.

It also consists of six individuals appointed from various transportation agencies such as the Spokane Transit Authority and the Spokane International Airport board, along with one from the state Department of Transportation and another from the Washington State Transportation Commission.

In an email, Trulove said SRTC “is the regional transportation planning agency and one which administers a good deal of transportation funding for the region.”

Eastern Washington picks up commute trip reduction awards

Eastern Washington University received two awards for its efforts in reducing the amount of commute trips made at Spokane County’s annual “Way to Go” awards event week.

According to a Feb. 10 news release, Eastern was one of three businesses to receive the Pinnacle Award for efforts going beyond minimum commute trip reduction requirements and demonstrating a firm understanding of the benefits derived — cleaner air, healthier employees, reduced traffic and overall enhancement of quality of life in the county. Other businesses awarded were Inland Northwest Blood Center and Inland Northwest Health Services.

EWU employee transportation coordinator (ETC) Michelle Rasmussen was one of four ETCs to be named an “All-Star Coach” at the awards presentation. ETCs get involved with employees to help them find the best commute alternative through personal commitments to commute alternatives.

Over 130 businesses in Spokane County participate and promote participation in their CTR program by encouraging employees to carpool, ride the bus, vanpool, bike, walk, work from home and/or compress their work schedule. The efforts have led to over 7,000 fewer vehicle trips taken daily in the county, annually reducing over 38 million miles from being driven on roadways and preventing over 620 tons in carbon monoxide emissions.

Court penalizes EWU trustee in campaign finance case

OLYMPIA—The Washington State Attorney General’s Office (AGO) announced on Feb. 13 the resolution of a campaign finance case against Eastern Washington University trustee Jay Manning. Manning failed to timely file two financial disclosures after his appointment and will pay $4,812.50 in penalties.

In December 2016, the Attorney General’s office received a citizen action notice from Glen Morgan alleging violations of the state’s public disclosure laws by Manning. Manning failed to file two personal financial affairs statements following his appointment as an EWU trustee, one due Dec. 4, 2015 and another due April 15, 2016.

Manning apologized for the oversight and worked with the state Public Disclosure Commission to complete the forms, filed 361 and 228 days late, respectively. The judgment agreed to in Thurston County Superior Court imposes a penalty on Manning of $3,145, with half suspended, and costs and fees of $3,240.


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