Positivity Wall a benefit to MLHS students

Medical Lake High School students, staff and visitors who stroll down Hall 100 may notice the "Positivity Wall."

The wall is adorned with positive messages written by students, including "happiness is key," "life is amazing" and "live long and prosper," a reference to the Vulcan blessing from "Star Trek." Other notes are compliments written for specific students and teachers.

MLHS Associated Student Body President Joey Jasmer said the idea for the wall came at the beginning of the year when he and his classmates brainstormed ideas to make their school a more welcoming environment for everyone. Executive secretary Mark Jensen credits Jaxyn Farmen for "planting the seed" and doing most of the work.

"She spent a good three weeks making the wall," he said.

Class adviser Kelly Rolan added that students had seen a similar project at a leadership conference in the summer.

After an assembly, teachers gave students pieces of paper to write down their compliments. The leadership class went through and picked out notes that Jasmer said "were appropriate" before putting them on the wall.

Jasmer said he felt students were receptive to the idea of the wall and that "it's been beneficial for everyone" since it went up.

"If you see your name (and a compliment) it feels really good and you'll maybe want to try and make someone else's day," Jasmer said. "After I saw my name, I saw someone else and said 'hey, your outfit looks cool.' Once you do something nice for someone, that kindness spreads."

"Three weeks ago, before we left for the weekend I went through and found a few (compliments) that were for me," Rolan added. "It kind of lifted up my day."

The wall is just one of the projects the class has undertaken to make the school a more positive environment. Rolan said there will be a "Positivity Week" in February with activities and events planned to promote positivity in the school. In the spring, the class designs posters with their favorite positive quotes and posts them around the school.

In addition to spreading positivity around campus, the class is looking to raise awareness about driving safety, specifically with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and distracted driving.

Rolan credits her students for always working to support the school and community.

"They want to uplift the school's climate and they're so willing to give back," Rolan said. "They're good kids and they do it to better the school."

Another goal of this year's leadership class is to get more students involved in school activities.

Jasmer said the class produced a video promoting diversity and respect to everyone and noted that many students who were a part of the project do not usually participate in school activities.

"We had an assembly promoting respect for all people no matter what race, gender and sexuality," Jasmer said. "It's cool seeing the reactions and impact you have on people who you don't really know, even if it's just something that lifts them up."

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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