ML council begins 2017 budget talks

At its Nov. 15 meeting, the Medical Lake City Council held a first reading of the 2017 budget.

According to information provided by the city, the 2017 current expense fund is projected to be just over $3.14 million with $2.37 million going toward departments and services funded through property tax and revenue. This is about $40,000 less than what the city spent last year. The ending cash balance for 2017 is projected at $765,076.

“It’s less than we have had in recent years,” City Administrator Doug Ross said during the public hearing for the budget. “We started 2016 with a little bit more money. It’s as low as we’ve had it in the last 3-4 years.”

One of the increases is the city’s contract with the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement services, which rose to $934,866.

Councilwoman Jessica Roberts asked about the increase in prisoner detention fees. Those fees are projected at $30,866, a $23,866 increase from last year.

“Are we seeing an increase of those who are being incarcerated?” Roberts said.

City Attorney Cynthia McMullen explained that some prisoners are detained at the time of arrest — such as those involved in domestic violence incidents — while others cannot put up bail until their court date.

“The biggest jump (in prison bookings) are folks who violate their probation,” McMullen said. “They get more jail time as part of the probation violation. We have a number of people in that category.”

Ross added that as jail costs go up, so do the fees the city pays.

McMullen said the city may switch to a home monitoring system for offenders.

“We work hard to not have them go to jail,” she added.

In capital improvements, parks expenditures increased to $126,798. In a Sept. 20 budget workshop, Ross said the city is looking to improve Wilcox Park and possibly purchase playground equipment.

The water and sewer fund is budgeted at over $3.545 million, which is the same as last year. Ross said the city continues to install new water meters. Medical Lake is also negotiating with the city of Spokane for an intertie to supplement its water supply. In previous meetings, Ross said he is waiting for a draft of the agreement from Spokane.

The garbage fund is projected at $847,500 — a 13 percent increase from 2016.

Councilwoman Laura Parsons asked about the decrease of umpires and officials expenses, which dropped to $7,500 for 2017. Ross said some part-time city employees fill in as referees for games.

When asked about workers who use city vehicles to travel to activities, Ross said employees can use them as long as they have a clean driving record.

“They don’t take the equipment home, but they can drive city vehicles,” Ross said.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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