Realizing interconnectedness will foster better solutions

Letters to the Editor

I do research and vote according to my conscience as someone must fill these government offices or we would have complete anarchy. However, I also recognize that changing leaders and parties in and of itself will not resolve our issues. I continue to seek “a better way” of relating to one another than we have now.

We need to rise above the consciousness of “us” and “them” and see our essential oneness as members of one human family. When we begin to see how interconnected we all are, regardless of the many human labels that we use, we learn to look for solutions together instead of making war and bashing one another.

Many thinking people of all religions and worldviews are beginning to see this increasingly and let’s be thankful for that. Each of us in our own way can be a part of a move towards peace and better understanding of one another.

Let’s not give up but continue to work together for a better future for our posterity.

Thomas E. Durst

Medical Lake


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