Eastern Health, Wellness and Prevention Services provides support to students

For Eastern Washington University students who are going through challenges, particularly in mental and physical health, the university’s Health, Wellness and Prevention Services is there to give them the help and support in developing a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

According to its website, the department “believes in creating a healthier campus-community for learning, living, working and playing.”

The department offers a variety of wellness and prevention programs targeted at the common concerns and challenges facing students.

One of these services is a partnership with Rockwood Clinic to provide health services.

Eastern students can receive care at various Rockwood locations including Cheney, Spokane, Medical Lake and Airway Heights. All they need to do is provide their EWU ID card when they check-in.

“We don’t want students being sick and have that interfere with their academics,” Tricia Hughes, director for health wellness and prevention services, said. “Rockwood has several available services to them.”

Hughes said the department also offers counseling and psychological services (CAPS) for students who need emotional, intellectual physical and spirit health. She added that CAPS provides individual counseling for students, as well as small group sessions, crisis intervention and outreach.

One of the common issues some students have at the beginning of the year is homesickness.

“We’ll see kids who miss mom and dad and they still haven’t adjusted to being away from home,” Hughes said.

The department also uses peer health educators, Eastern students who go into classrooms and residents halls and give presentations about issues such as sexual assault prevention, alcohol use and abuse, sexual and reproductive health and tobacco prevention.

The department holds campus events throughout the year, including the “Speaking of Sex” presentation during Welcome Week. “Speaking of Sex,” which is a mandatory presentation for new students, covers sexual assault prevention, consent and healthy relationships. Hughes said the department also provides information about the university’s alcohol and recreational marijuana policies.

“What we’ve learned is that students have a little more freedom and sometimes will get into trouble,” Hughes said. “We want students to be clear on the laws at Eastern so they don’t get in trouble with campus police.”

Hughes added that students also learn signs of alcohol poisoning and “what they can do if someone in their residence floor has it.”

Another campus-wide resource is the Health Hut where students can interact with peer health educators twice a week. The hut provides information on numerous health topics.

“Students can also play games and win prizes, or they can come by and ask a peer health educator any question they might have,” Hughes said.

The EWU Health, Wellness and Prevention Services office is located at the University Recreation Center room 201.

To contact the office, call (509) 359-4279 or [email protected].

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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