Candidate Q&A with Dave Wilson

1. What are the most pressing issues facing Eastern Washington?

2. How would you address breaking the gridlock in Congress?

3. What are the two biggest challenges facing economic development in the district?

4. What role do you see Congress playing in addressing important social issues?

Dave Wilson

1. The U.S. Representative needs to push for continued expansion of the Fairchild Air Force Base mission, including the new KC-46A tanker planes. Oil train safety...Congress and local governments must exercise constant vigilance to hold railroads accountable in slowing trains as they move through urban areas and conducting daily track inspections, along with upgrading existing tracks for increased safety.

2. One of the first things I will do once elected is form a "Centrist Caucus" and attract moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans. Also, ending the corrupting influence of big money special interests in our campaign finance system will ensure those interests do not set the tone and tenor of discussion.

3. One policy is fully funding the Highway Trust Fund to rebuild our graying infrastructure. Conservative estimates say this would create around one million jobs. We also need to invest more in education, from the early learning to post-secondary level, both to build a foundation for future economic success and to ensure our students are not drowning in student debt.

4. Congress can address our healthcare system by working to improve it rather than voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Congress cannot end violence, but it can pass laws that make it more difficult for the mentally ill and those on terror watch lists to buy weapons. Congress can address income inequality by investing more in education.


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