Cheney Community Church
Vacation Bible School (VBS) begins next Monday at Cheney Community Church. The dates are July 25 – 29. Hours: 9 a.m. – noon. The theme this year is, “Ocean Commotion, diving into Noah’s flood!” All children preschool (must be potty trained) through fifth grade are welcome. Don’t miss this exciting time. Come and bring a friend, too.
The church is located at 1307 Third St. in Cheney. Call (509) 235-4841 for information or pre-registration forms. Registration for VBS is available on-site as well.
Sunday worship services are at 10 a.m. Children’s church and nursery care is provided during that time. The community is invited to come worship with us. Our youth group, middle school and high school age groups meet every Monday evening from 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Cheney United Church of Christ
Pastor David Krueger Duncan will present the sermon, entitled “Tricky Gnosis,” on July 24, at 10 a.m. The text will be Acts 20:28-32. We will explore the various interpretations of portions of the Bible including some that are often provided with truths and power that they do not actually have. Kate Francis will provide special music. A coffee hour will follow the services in the church fellowship hall.
Prior to services on Sunday, July 24, men’s breakfast will meet at Cheney Marketplace Bakery & Eatery. Summer church office hours are Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Call the church office at 235-4193 for information. Messages may be left if no one is in the office when you call.
Please accept our invitation to join us for any of our church services and activities at Cheney UCC.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
All are welcome to worship with us this Sunday, July 24, at 10:30 a.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. You may also watch our pastor’s sermons at our website or on YouTube at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Cheney. Adult education begins at 9 a.m.
Emmanuel wants to thank the community for participating and supporting our Vacation Bible School program last week. And to the Lutherhaven staff for leading the week’s activities.
Coming soon, Emmanuel’s Free Little Library will be open to the public at 639 Elm St. in the church’s front yard by the end of July. The community library will contain books for all ages and genres. All are welcome to take a book and leave a book.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit. Morning prayer is at 1l a.m. J.W. Dalton will preach. Vicki Mercer will lead the service. The Rev. Christine Soule will be at Camp Cross serving as clergy.
The Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist Campus Ministry will resume in September.
We are in the midst of creating a community garden at St. Paul’s consisting of flowers and vegetables in raised planter boxes at the church. Produce will go primarily to the Cheney Food Bank. Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday morning at ll:30 a.m. in the parish hall.
For your contemplation: “Christian is someone who shares the suffering of God in the world,” Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
United Methodist Church
Join us for worship at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning at the United Methodist Church. Pastor Alissa Bertsch Johnson and associate pastor Pat Sleeth will lead the service as we welcome back the Volunteers In Mission team from their recent work in the Okanogan burn area. The volunteers will share testimony from their experience for the morning message.
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner, Aug. 14-18. The theme is Norway. Be thinking about how you can be a part of this exciting, spirit filled week.
For additional information on study groups and other church programs, please call the office at 235-4600.
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