Emmanuel Lutheran Church
The congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us this Sunday, June 5, at 10:30 a.m. You may also watch our pastor’s sermons at emmanuelcheney.org or on YouTube at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Cheney. Christian education for grade school through adults begins at 9 a.m.
Mark your calendars for Emmanuel’s 2016 Vacation Bible School program scheduled for July 11 —15. The theme this year is “Rooted. imagine what will grow!” from Ephesians 3:17-19. Registration forms will be available soon on our website under the “Ministries” tab. This program is for children entering the first through sixth-grade this fall. St. Rose Catholic Church will host children ages 3-5.
United Methodist Church
Worship this Sunday morning at the United Methodist Church is at 10 a.m. The service will be led by pastor Alissa Bertsch Johnson and associate pastor Pat Sleeth. Guest speaker will be outgoing Northwest District Superintendent, the Rev. Dale Cockrum. Holy communion will be included in the service. Preceding worship there is a grief support group at 9 a.m. based on the book, “A Grace Disguised.” Other Sunday school classes are in recess for the summer.
Sunday afternoon is the annual spring tea from 3 — 5 p.m. Guest speaker will be John Caskey sharing his historic hat collection.
For additional information on study groups and other church programs please call the office at 235-4600.
United Church of Christ
“Marketing Jesus” will be the message presented by pastor David Krueger-Duncan on Sunday, June 5 at 10 a.m. Communion will also be celebrated at this service. You are cordially invited to join us.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the communion service. Prior to our service, the women’s fellowship will meet at the Marketplace Bakery & Eatery at 8 a.m.
A coffee hour will follow the service in the church fellowship hall. Please join us and get acquainted.
The Eastern Washington University choir will be presenting the final concert of the season, “Love and Understanding,” in the Cheney UCC sanctuary at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 2.
Choir member Keio Cunningham has been active in our congregation while attending EWU. She has been accepted in the graduate program at the University of Arizona School of Music and is presenting a benefit concert on Saturday June 4 at 2 p.m. Your support would be appreciated.
Church office hours for the summer will be from 9 a.m.to 1 p.m. each Thursday and Friday. Call the church office at 235-4193 for information. Messages may be left if no one is in the office when you call.
We encourage you to join us at our Sunday services or any of our activities. Come to worship and come to join our church community. Everyone is welcome at all Cheney UCC events.
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