Floods, Flowers and Feathers Festival this Saturday

The “Floods, Flowers, and Feathers Festival,” taking place Saturday, May 14, has been rolled into the Cheney Mayfest this year, with activities going on in downtown Cheney and at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.

Activities happening at the refuge headquarters, located just off Cheney-Plaza Road on 26010 S. Smith Road, are aquatics ecology, bird banding, fire demonstrations, Ice Age Floods geology tour, a refuge management tour, live raptor displays, bird and plant walks a photography walk an auto tour bike ride and much more. Some activities require reservations, which can be made at fotnwr@org.

For details and times, go to http://www.fws.gov/refuge/turnbull. For more information, call Sandy Rancourt at the refuge at (509) 235-4723.

Mayfest activities in Cheney feature booths and displays by the Bureau of Land Management, Turnbull NWR Animal Tracks, Friends of Turnbull, Ice Age Floods Institute, Cheney-Spokane Chapter; Eastern Washington University-synamncut residence hall-pot painting and native seeds, Ducks Unlimited, EWU-Invasive Fish and over 30 more.


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