Commission recommends zoning change

Cheney’s Washington Court neighborhood near EWU could become all multi-family

At its April 11 meeting, the Cheney Planning Commission voted to recommend adoption of Ordinance W-82, which proposes amending both the land use map and zoning map to apply multi-family residence (R-3) to five parcels located on both sides of Washington Court. The ordinance also establishes an overlay zone with design standards to address proposed development on the five parcels.

Prior to the vote, the commission held a public hearing on the ordinance. No one testified at the hearing.

According to a staff report from city planner Brett Lucas, the area between Washington Court and what was then known as North Eleventh Street was zoned R-3 in 1966. In 1994, three parcels on the west side of Washington Court were designated R-3 while two parcels on the east side were rezoned P (Public). Staff recommended rezoning the parcels on the east side to R-3 to be consistent with the zoning in place on the parcels on the west side of Washington Court.

Lucas said the city started the process to rezone all five parcels in November 2015 because the city received an application from the property owner to build a six-unit apartment building behind one of the existing residences. City Council passed Ordinance W-71, which amends the city zoning map for Washington Court to R-1 (single family residential) in order for the Planning Commission to solicit additional public comment.

On Dec. 15, 2015, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and gathered public testimony. The commission recommended staff draft a new ordinance with language to address the concerns of the citizens.

Lucas listed the permitted and limited uses allowed in the overlay zone, which include residential types (household living, home occupation), housing types (single family dwelling, duplexes, townhouses and multi-dwelling units) and parks/open space (neighborhood parks).

One of the new development standards, Lucas noted, is in parcels where a multi-family residence is proposed, the existing single-family residence will have to be removed.

“This is to minimize incompatibility,” Lucas said.

Development standards also include a pedestrian and bicycle path connection to Elm Street.

One concern from commissioners was the parking situation. Lucas said multi-family dwelling units shall develop off-street parking in the ratio of one space for a one bedroom unit and two spaces for a 2-3 bedroom unit. Parking will not be allowed on Washington Court if the approved street design does not allow on-street parking.

If one or more parcels are developed as a private street, property owners adjacent to Washington Court shall vacate the street and the development will have to follow the private street standards.

Commissioner Rick Mount asked how the city would regulate guests versus residents who are parking on the street. Public Works Director Todd Ableman said there isn’t a way to regulate it while Lucas added that the Planning Commission can impose more restrictions on parking on Washington Court.

Ableman said the Fire Department will also weigh in on any type of development for accessibility for emergency vehicles.

“Whatever triggers development certainly will have to trigger the access whether we do a public street or private street,” Ableman said.

Ableman said when developers submit their plans, staff reviews all of the city’s design standards for the proposed development.

Prior to the vote, commissioner Craig Huber said he liked having the concept of the type of housing unit on Washington Court as it fits in with the university. He also felt the ordinance has the “basics of taking care of the infrastructure and parking issues.”

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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