Letters to the Editor
Are you concerned about the number of fires we experienced last summer? Does the number of dangerous, mile-long trains, especially oil trains that come through Cheney blowing their horns and blocking intersections, bother you?
Have you noticed that our summers are hotter and drier? Are you concerned about climate change?
Then you should vote for Bernie Sanders in the upcoming Democratic Caucus. He is the only candidate for president, either Republican or Democrat that has consistently considered climate change as a major issue, despite what the pundits and media purport.
Further, he is much more than a one topic candidate (Wall Street) that Hillary Clinton”s campaign is spreading. Bernie is proposing Medicare for all, he is against the TPP that will trade away our jobs, he is for free college tuition and he is for ending mass incarceration, among other measures.
Unlike other politicians, he doesn’t change his positions with the political winds. The caucus will be held on Saturday, March 26 at 9:30 a.m. You can register to vote on the spot, and if you are 17 but will be 18 by Nov. 8 you can participate.
If you are registered to vote in Cheney, the caucus will be held at the Cheney High School and to get your voice heard you need to attend personally. Those who live outside Cheney may likely have a caucus in a different location so go to http://www.Demcaucus.com where you can preregister to vote or call the Spokane Democrats at (509) 325-8525 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Nancy Street
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