Letters to the Editor
It’s time for the truth concerning Cathy McMorris Rodgers.
She is part of the most dysfunctional Congress ever. She is paid $174,000 a year by us to work for the 5th District of Washington state.
This is what she has done: voted over 60 times to stop all of us from getting affordable health care, voted to cut millions of dollars from food programs for children and the disabled, voted against our veterans health, voted for cuts to Medicare, voted for raising the eligibility age for Medicare to 67, privatizing our Social Security system and not raising the minimum wage.
She developed her own legislation to only protect “some women,” she voted against women’s equality in the workplace and for eliminating funding for birth control. She voted against promoting economic stimulus, voted to cut Pell Grants for students, opposed legislation to help reduce student debt and has voted consistently against protecting our environment.
She votes for tax breaks for the rich and votes 97 percent of the time with the Republican Party with no regard as to what we need. Please take time to look at her record of abuse toward our district.
Read the truth at issues.org, votesmart.org, congress.com and politifact.com.
Pat Bates
Clarkston, Wash.
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