Feed Cheney will be holding our second annual fundraiser on Super Bowl Sunday — it’s called “The Souper Bowl of Caring.” Last year we met an ambitious goal of $6,000, thanks to collections taken at several Cheney churches and online donations. While the nation is spending enormous amounts of money on elaborate Super Bowl refreshments, clothing, decorations, etc. there are some among us who don’t have a bowl of soup to eat. Enter the The Souper Bowl of Caring.
Feed Cheney works year round to meet hunger in Cheney, with a hot dinner (and live music) on the last Monday of each month September through May and a brown bag supper in a local park in the summer months. In addition to the meal, participants are sent home with a generous supply of groceries.
The hot entrees are provided by Women and Children’s Free Restaurant and Feed Cheney funds are used to complete each meal. Some of the groceries are provided by Second Harvest, and a substantial amount purchased by Feed Cheney, always including fresh produce.
Some months there are health screenings available to participants, coats from the Cheney Community Coat Drive are available in October, and there are usually free new winter jackets and accessories donated and distributed to participants in December and/or January. There is no charge for any Feed Cheney activity, and no qualification requirements — it is open to all individuals and families and is staffed by a large collection of community volunteers.
Watch for a special Souper Bowl collection at local churches on Feb. 7 or donate online at http://www.feedcheney.org or write to [email protected] for more information.
Christie Bruntlett Feed Cheney
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