The snow appears it is going to be sticking around for a while and the city of Cheney offers these reminders to residents about snow removal.
• Whether someone is a resident or they own a business, they should shovel their sidewalk.
• Residents and business owners should not shovel or blow snow from their driveway or sidewalk into the streets.
• If a fire hydrant is in their area, residents should shovel a 3-foot radius in all directions around it.
• Residents and business owners should also move their vehicle from the street whenever two or more inches of snow falls. Moving their vehicle for plowing speeds up the process to make the city streets clear and safe for all travelers, including school buses and emergency responders.
• If a vehicle blocks plows, the owner may be issued a citation and have their vehicle towed at your expense. As that snow remains uncleared, no vehicles may be parked on any street or city right-of-way between midnight and 6 a.m.
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