Pakootas is the leader District 5 needs

Letters to the Editor

Finally McMorris Rodgers tells the truth. In her latest letter she said “we need a strong leader now more than ever.”

So true! For 11 years she has not been a leader as she has been busy supporting corporations and big money, voting party line 97 percent of the time and skipping meetings 92 percent of the time.

Helping the people of the 5th District of Washington has not been her desire, as her voting record clearly shows.

Fortunately, we now have Joe Pakootas, who will represent the people of his district. He grew up, and continues to live, in the 5th.

Pakootas, his wife, Cheryl, four grown children and six grandchildren have always lived in and supported our district.

A middle-class family man, small businessman and CEO, Pakootas cares for and fights for all the people of the 5th. He cares about women, children, veterans, seniors and students. He cares about people having good paying jobs with benefits, he cares about our environment and he cares about providing the infrastructures so badly needed in the 5th.

Pakootas is not a politician, he simply cares about us and wants to represent us in Congress. Please check out his Facebook page and get to know more about him. This is our chance to finally have “a strong leader.”      

Patricia Bates

Clarkston, Wash.


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