News Briefs

AH council to consider planning appointment

The Airway Heights City Council unanimously agreed at its Nov. 23 study session to move the Planning Commission member application of Nicholas Messing forward for consideration at its first meeting in December. Messing has lived in the city for eight years, has a degree in mechanical engineering and six years experience working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

While Messing’s likely appointment will fill one seat, it doesn’t solve the commission’s vacancy problem. Two current commissioners, Aspen Montelone (Position 2) and Larry Bowman (chair, Position 4) were elected to the City Council in November and must step down.

The terms of commissioners Matthew Pederson (Position 3) and Kal Patel (vice-chair, Position 5) expire Jan. 31, 2016 and will either need to be re-appointed or filled. The commission requires at least three members in attendance to constitute a quorum.

“By Jan. 31, I (could) need four planning commissioners,” Development Services Director Derrick Braaten said.

Statewide, local taxable retail sales increase

According to a state Department of Labor and Industries Nov. 9 news release, the state’s taxable retail sales increased 9.4 percent in the second quarter (April 1 – June 30) over the same time period in 2014, reaching $33.9 billion. Figures for the retail trade industry, a subset of all taxable retail sales made in the state, revealed an 8 percent increase over 2014, comprising $15 billion of the state’s total retail sales.

Snapshot figures showed sales of vehicles and auto parts increased 11.4 percent to $3.85 billion, purchases of building materials and gardening stores rose 11.38 percent to $1.76 billion while general merchandise stores reported an increase of 4.66 percent to $2.62 billion.

Spokane County showed a 5.78 percent increase in taxable retails sales, $2.15 billion, with retail trade increasing 8.11 percent, $1.08 billion. The highest increase occurred in Clark County, rising $14.98 billion.

Locally, Cheney’s total taxable retail sales were $33.89 million in the second quarter of 2015, a 10.75 percent increase over 2014 while its taxable retail sales for the retailing industry rose 22.17 percent, $16.47 million. Airway Heights showed an 8.75 percent increase in total taxable retail sales in 2015 over 2014, $47.87 million and 4.31 percent increase for the retailing industry, $28.36 million.

Over the same time period, Medical Lake’s taxable retail sales rose 8.79 percent, $8.58 million while its total for the retailing industry increased 6.05 percent, $2.4 million.

County seeks estimates on Nov. 17 windstorm damage

Greater Spokane Emergency Management is collecting information from residents and businesses on damage and losses suffered during the November 2015 windstorm. Home or business owners with sustained damage as a result of the storm may be eligible for federal disaster assistance.

Greater Spokane Emergency Management is encouraging citizens to follow three important steps for reporting damages. Citizens should first assess and document any damage through lists, pictures and repair and/or replacement estimates.

Citizens should also locate their insurance policy documents (if available) and contact their insurance company to report the damages. Finally, home and business owners need to file their report online at and clicking on “Report Wind Damage here” and fill out the requested information.

This information will be used to establish a countywide damage assessment that will aid in obtaining federal assistance. Even if only minor damage occurred and assistance is not expected, citizens are advised to submit a report.

Submission is not a guarantee of eligibility, and it may take 30 days or more to process. If an email address is included, Greater Spokane Emergency Management will be in contact with important follow-up information.


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