Hallett Elementary installs buddy bench on playground

There's a new feature on the Hallett Elementary School playground - a buddy bench.

Hallett principal Cindy McSmith said the school's PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) team developed the idea of installing a buddy bench on the premises. The PBIS team focuses on teaching students positive behaviors to be successful in all areas of the school.

"We recognize that some students may at times feel they have no one to play with, or they may feel alone outside during recess," McSmith said. "We wanted to help facilitate a special place they could go to find friendship, or join a game. The buddy bench was a natural extension to the playground to help students be kind to others or seek a friend to play with."

McSmith said the school custodian took one of the building's existing benches and painted it in a "colorful and inviting way." Counselors have visited each classroom to inform students about the bench and remind them that it is a special place where they can make new friends, invite others to play and "be their kindest selves."

"The bench has been a very positive addition for our students, and our custodian is planning to paint a second buddy bench for a different area of the playground," McSmith said.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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