Emmanuel Lutheran Church
All are welcome to worship with us this Sunday, Oct. 18 at 10:30 a.m. You may also watch our pastor’s sermons on our website http://www.emmanuelcheney.org or on YouTube at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Cheney. Christian education or grade school through adult begins at 9 a.m.
Mark your calendars for the following events: Reformation Sunday, Oct. 25 and holiday bazaar and luncheon, Saturday, Nov. 7, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
A welcoming haven, nourishing all God’s people in body, mind and spirit.
Holy Communion Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. Christine Soule will preach and preside.
Fellowship breakfast Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Come, bring a friend and enjoy good fellowship.
The choir meets each Thursday at 6 p.m. for practice. Come sing with us. AA meeting every Saturday at ll a.m. in the parish hall.
Attention all college students: Each Monday at 5 p.m. you are invited to join us for dinner, study and devotions.
Looking ahead, we will hold our annual church bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 7, along with several other churches in our community. Save the date.
For your contemplation: “Do not think that saintliness comes from occupation; it depends rather on what one is. The kind of work we do does not make us holy, but we may make it holy,” Meister Eckhart, German theologian, philosopher, and mystic.
United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ will enjoy special music on Oct. 15. Please join us for services at our usual time, 10 a.m. Music director, Kate Sloan, has planned an extraordinary program. A coffee hour will follow in the fellowship hall.
A social-wellness walking group meets each Thursday at 9 a.m. at the church. Mark your calendar for the UCC bazaar and hot soup lunch on Nov. 7. You won’t want to miss it.
Come join us for all of our activities at UCC. Everyone is welcome at UCC. Questions may be directed to 235-4193 or [email protected].
United Methodist Church
The Rev. Alissa Bertsch-Johnson will begin a new sermon series this Sunday at the United Methodist Church. Worship with us at 10 a.m. as she begins a series on “The Five Marks of a Methodist: The Fruit of a Living Faith.”
Two children’s and two adult Sunday school classes are offered on Sunday morning. One adult class is following the book, “Revolution of Character: Discovering Christ’s Pattern for Spiritual Transformation.” This class begins at 8:30 a.m. All other classes, including a grief support group, begin at 9 a.m.
Sunday evening there will be community wide organizational/informational meeting at the church at 6 p.m. The meeting is to discuss the resettlement of a refugee family in Cheney and all are welcome to attend.
Saturday morning the UMC “Birthday Bunch” will travel to the Harvester in Spangle for a no-host breakfast at 9 a.m. October birthdays will be celebrated.
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