Airway Heights to offer self-defense class


Staff Reporter

Airway Heights residents will have an opportunity to learn some martial arts techniques.

The city’s Parks and Recreation Department is holding a free self-defense class, every Tuesday from Sept. 15 to Oct. 20, from 6-8 p.m. at the community center.

Students who attend the class will learn basic Wing Chun techniques. Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art that utilizes both striking and grappling in close-range combat. Its concepts and principles are designed to end a violent encounter in a way that is fast, safe and efficient with techniques geared around proper body structure, position and timing instead of strength and speed.

Jeff Davis, of the Peaceful Mind Wing Chun Academy will be teaching the class. He has been studying Wing Chun for over 15 years and continues to train under sifu grandmaster Benny Meng. Davis has been teaching Wing Chun for the last six years.

Davis approached the city to teach the class at the recommendation of Councilman Dave Malet. He said students will learn basic defense, blocks, counter attacks and holds.

“It’s not going to be super intensive,” Davis said.

The class is free for all ages, and an adult must accompany children. Davis suggests that students wear athletic clothing and “come prepared to work.”

Andy Gardner, parks, recreation and community services supervisor, said the city has never offered an actual self-defense class.

“A self-defense class is something people can do, and they feel like they are doing it for a purpose,” Gardner said. “It shows them what they can do in the event of an emergency.”

Davis believes that everyone should learn how to protect themselves. He said the skills students will learn will stay with them at all times.

“When you learn to play the guitar, you only use those skills when you have a guitar with you,” Davis said. “With martial arts, it’s something you always have. It also boosts your confidence.”

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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