Thanks from ML Tennis-A-Thon commmittee

Letters to the Editor

The 24-Hour-Tennis-A-Thon committee would like to give a big thank you to all the generous supporters, countless volunteers and community members who participated. Much of this year’s success is attributed to the generosity and assistance we received from sponsors and supporters like you.

This year’s event benefited the local Food Bank, Medical Lake Outreach Program and the Medical Lake High School Tennis programs.

During the 24 hours, we had approximately 100 players involved in the marathon. Altogether, everyone’s combined efforts raised approximately $4,500 and over 115 pounds of food donations for the Medical Lake Food Bank.

Thank you very much for your generosity and assistance.

We hope to see you out there next year.

Leroy Lemaster and

the 24-Hour-Tennis-A-Thon committee

Medical Lake


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