Send the district a message, vote no

Letters to the Editor

In 2010 Cheney School District voters approved a bond for $79 million. Construction was completed in 2013/2014 on two new middle schools and elementary. The district is back with a request for $44.8 million to cover the first phase of a remodel/new construction for the high school which, when both phases are completed, will total $87.8 million.

For the average homeowner this first phase will cost $150 more a year ($3,150 total). “$150 is no more that the cost of an evening out with my daughter,” a teacher argued during an “information” meeting with the school board.

Forty-nine and a half percent of Cheney students are on free and reduced lunch. These children are part of our community. These families want what all families want for their children, a good education, a home for their children and someday the ability to consider $150 just the price of an evening out.

Please vote “No.” Send the district a message that they need to be sensitive to everyone in the community. Rerunning a bond without making any acknowledgement of the “No” voters is insensitive and arrogant.

Susan Johns



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